Saturday, March 3, 2012

EXCLUSIVE '; MAN UNITED CLINCH Lassana Diarra deal from Madriad ';

                                                                             EXCLUSIVE '; 
                                                                            Reported by Brian Ahern ';  
                                                                            Date March 3 ';2012 ';
                                                    Exclusive has being told by sources in Spain '' last night United have signed Lassana Diarra ''' from Madriad ''' Sources say the deal has being agreed in princple '''' '';  The deal is done he is a United player  well of course he cant sign now but he will sign in the Summer a deal has being agreed in princple ' and a fee of around 20 million Euros has being agreed he will sign a five year deal at United in the Summer it is a good a deal for United and will sign June 1st According to sources close to the player himself '; the source Exclusive told last night from Spain

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